
Getting Started

Feature Availability Across Platforms

Stop Motion Studio is available on iOS, macOS, Android, and Windows. While most features are consistent across these platforms, there are some differences. Here’s a summary of the current situation:

Platform-Specific Features:

  • iOS and macOS:
    • Certain advanced or newer features are initially introduced on iOS and macOS. These platforms often receive updates sooner due to streamlined support and integration with Apple’s ecosystem.
  • Android and Windows:
    • We are actively working to bring all features available on iOS and macOS to Android and Windows. This includes resolving platform-specific challenges and integrating features where possible.

Why iOS and macOS Might Be Preferred:

  • Support and Visibility:
    • As an independent developer, we have experienced better support and visibility from Apple. Apple has featured Stop Motion Studio multiple times, which has helped us reach more users and improve the app.
  • Challenges with Google:
    • We have faced difficulties with Google’s policies and app store practices. This has sometimes resulted in challenges with maintaining and updating the app on Android. Despite these challenges, we are committed to providing the best experience possible on all platforms.

What’s Next:

  • Ongoing Updates:
    • We continue to update and improve Stop Motion Studio for all platforms. Our goal is to bring parity in features and ensure a consistent user experience across iOS, macOS, Android, and Windows.
  • Feature Requests and Feedback:
    • We appreciate your feedback and feature requests. If you encounter specific issues or have suggestions, please let us know. Your input helps us prioritize updates and address platform-specific challenges.

Thank you for your understanding and support as we work towards providing a robust and feature-rich experience for all users.